Our First Competency: Intake of Information

Students will intake, research, evaluate and use a variety of information from varied sources and media including text, video, audio, art from creators around the world, past and present.

We all need to be hyper aware of the messages coming at us and how they influence our thoughts and behaviors, including messages from teachers and other authority figures. Often we focus on the mass media that creates highly produced, intentional material that holds attention and it is edited for exactness, but the small informal inputs are just as important. If we are to really work toward a just and equitable world we need to examine bias, perspective and self-awareness about the media and messages we consume. This is the impetus behind the first competency in the Stewardship Model.

Everyday, Lil and I are going to consume some media together, some longer pieces like Gaza Fights For Freedom, and some shorter pieces like the economics lesson we watched today. We will reflect on these questions...

1. What did I just consume? What was the purpose? Was it worth it?

2. Do I trust it? Why? What information do I want to fact check or learn more about?

3. What bias do I need to be aware of? My own or the content creators?

4. How does this content make me feel? Will I act differently or think differently now that I have this new information?

All the reflections will be compiled in a portfolio. Some might be recordings of us. Some will be written by her and some will be my notes on our conversation. Let’s face it, some of the content might be too heavy to hold and write a reflection about…talking it through might make more sense. At the end, she'll have a body of evidence of her thinking and we'll be able to talk through how she demonstrated elements of this competency.